En tiempos de ocio

We believe when desktop wallpapers are constantly changed, it not only help inspire ourselves but also spice up the desktop, giving it a fresher look. With the help of free wallpaper changer softwares (windows: here and here) there’s no reason why your wallpaper should station on desktop for more than one month.

One year ago, we showcased you 30 Nicest Apple, MacOS and iPod Wallpapers, and considered this as a sequel, here’s another 60 most beautiful apple related wallpapers; inclusive of apple logo, Mac OS X, time machine, iPods, and more.

90 wallpapers in total, some must be your favorite. Full list after jump.

Apple logo


Mac OS X Leopard

Mac OS X Leopard – Time Machine

time machine

Macbooks, iMac


cartoon characters

If you are not comfortable using real photos to represent yourself in any online profiles and avatars, why not create a cartoon characters of yourself? It’ll definitely be fun and unique to others when you are representing yourself in a cartonized way in any online profiles and avatars, anywhere from Gravatar to MyBlogLog, blog profiles, Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, etc.

Thanks to many free web services, you don’t have to pay an artist for your cartoon illustrations. All you have to do is upload your photo, or perform some mix and match. Here’s 11 websites that allows you to create a cartoon character of yourself.

  1. Portrait Illustration Maker

    Portrait Illustration Maker is a service which provides character icons completely free of charge! They are available for your blog site or SNS. If you’d like to save the completed avatar, right-click on the icon. And then select “Save Picture As… ” from the menu.

  2. WeeWorld

    Create an cartoon character to represent yourself in WeeWord games (WeeMee) or just export it for anywhere else.

  3. Meez

    Social entertainment website that allows users to create their own animated avatars, or “3D I.D.” graphics, for the Web, to play casual games with their avatars, and to use them in customizable Rooms on social networks like Facebook.

  4. Simpsonize Me

    Turn yourself into a simpson character.

  5. Yahoo! Avatars

  6. BeFunky

  7. Buscar Messenger

  8. Cartoon Me

    Cartoonize yourself as simple as uploading your photo, Cartoon Me will do the rest.

  9. Joystiq Mii characters

    Think of it as creating Mii characters, but online so you can use it anywhere.

  10. MyPlay

    By far, one of the most sophisticated cartoon character creating free service. However this Taiwanese site is only for those who are able to interpret chinese words.

  11. South Park Studio

    For south park fans, now you can become one of them.


Contributed by: Andrea Mancini




B-membrane Laptop/Desktop

Concept computer designed by Korean designer Won-Seok Lee. No bulky monitors, just a UFO shape system that displays screen like a projector. [via yankodesign]

Nokia Aeon Full Screen Concept Phone

The most prominent design feature of aeon is a touchscreen that stretches over the full surface area of the phone. [via engadget mobile]

Napkin PC

The Napkin PC is a multi-user, multi-interface, modular computer designed for creative professionals to collaborate and bring their greatest ideas to life. [via yankodesign]

Cellphone Code

This phone uses haptic technology to provide physical feedback for making a call. To turn it on…twist a section, to dial a number…twist a bunch of sections, to make an international call…break your wrist! [via yankodesign]

Virtual Goggles

Designed and conceived by Franz Steiner, he wondered what the personal assistant might look like in the future. [Blutsbrueder Design via Gizmodo]

New dSLR?

Concept of a digital camera which can be used in one hand. [perezprada via yankodesign]

Future Internet Search

All you need to do is point the tablet at any object and you should get search results as good as Google’s, just more interactivity. [petitinvention via behance.net]

Sunshine Pillow

We arent sure if it’s warm enough, but it’s good to own one. [Rei Gallery via gizmodo]

Capsule Radio Clock

Not rocket science, but definetely cool to get one. [sequoia-studio via tuvie]

Info-Live Watch

INFO Live is an data organizer for connected internet world. It is able to transfer data information to any hardware and person any moment in time of need. [via nextgendesigncomp]

Jive for the elderly

Jive is a range of 3 products that were designed to get elderly technophobes connected to their friends and family. [jive via tuvie]


Touch screen digital photo storing and organization product. [via tuvie]

Microsoft Arc Mouse

When you go advanced in all your computer equipments, the next best thing is to get a futuristic mouse. [via geekandhype]

Pebble Key Port

Designed with many slots so that user can easily group their keys into categories such as car keys, home keys or office keys. [via tuvie]

Pixel Perfect Hour Glass

Title says it all. A perfect gadget anyone wants to own, I suppose? [Pavel Balykin via yankodesign]

Calliper Style Radio

Like a precision calliper tool, 08 Radio by Mikael Silvanto lets you precisely find the station you want by sliding the entire radio unit up and down the scale. [via yankodesign]

Mountain View California, US

Located at 1600 Amphitheater Parkway in Mountain View, Santa Clara County, California, this is the headquater for Google. Google Map.

New York, US

New York office is Google’s largest software engineering center outside of headquarter Mountain View. According to GoogleSystemstrong>:

Google opened their new NY offices 5 months ago (from Feb 2007) and already has around 500 employees who work on print ads, Google Finance, Google Spreadsheets, Checkout and more.

Read more at Google System.

Santa Monica Arizona, US

One of the largest development centers in the United States, where engineers work on some of Google’s hardest problems, in realms such as Search Quality, YouTube, Ads, Video and Photos.

Chicago, US

Moscow, Russia

Birthplace of co-founder Sergey Brin, Google Moscow is a research and development office.

Wii Golf at the Google Moscow office

Google Moscow Engineering Open House

Zurich, Switzerland

The Zurich office is fun, or probably weird. More photos here.

Beijing, China

Located near Tsinghua University, Google Beijing too has a mountain view like the US headquater.

Taipei, Taiwan

Google Taiwan is located at one of the world tallest skycrappers Taipei 101, from 37th floor to 73 floor.

Amsterdam, Netherland

At Google Amsterdam, the main activities here will be selling ads and suggesting keywords to clients.

If you want to know, there’s 10 ‘o’ in total.

Outside view of the Google office.

The lobby

London, England

Located near Victoria Station, this is a home for more than 200 Google employees. According to silicon.com, this will be the base for the search giant’s next European engineering centre.

Tokyo, Japan

iGoogle Art Cafe

Inside view of iGoogle Art Cafe

Sydney, Australia

TheAustralia headquater for Google, Sydney office will be responsible for local research and development.

Paris, France

The Paris office has around 100 employees who mainly works on Google advertising and industry partnerships.

Madrid, Spain